Karmala Gibson

Wills x Fizz

(Karmala Wills x Karmala Gin Fizz) DOB 10/5/2021 

WKC reg 68461

Gibson working with his dam, Fizz(L) photo by Sandie Read

Gibson is our next up and coming sire. His first pups from Elwanvale Sunny have started with style and a lovely touch on their sheep, we are very excited! He’s a lovely young dog and has ticked all the boxes so far. He had already been working cattle for a few months before he went down to Arthur Crumblin for assessment and passed with flying colours.

I refer to him as “Wills with frills” and I think that’s accurate; he’s just a wee bit better than his sire in many aspects, although I suspect we’ll find it very hard to find a dog with a better cast. Dog breeding is all about each generation adding a little more good to the line and sometimes there’s a disaster and you lose a very promising young dog before he’s made a contribution…as I did years ago with Swags, Delta’s best pup. It’s a relief to get some pups and matings to Gibson!

Emma Zeimer describes his work on their cattle. The country is difficult, steep and timbered.

“Gibson is very correct and keeps an eye on the big picture. He is still building in confidence but is a calm dog with a good search and cast. He uses his position on point cleverly to flex the mob or a single beast.”

The video below is of the first time he saw sheep.


This is the video I took when I collected him from Arthur. Arthur was here last week to see the three Gibson pups start and said he only realised after watching this video recently, just what a very good dog his is.