Another year almost gone! I hope it has been a good one for all of you who read this, but know things are pretty tough for many. With this in mind I would like to offer previous buyers of Karmala pups a 20% discount if they need to buy one this month…
As December begins I am waiting for the completion of my new pup run, which is well on the way. This has become necessary because the bitches are all whelping within a couple of weeks of each other, and it will enable the older pups to move into a larger run from the small puppy yards. I also hope to retain more of the promising ones to sell later as started pups.
This past year has been an exciting one, with progeny of the two old Scanlon line dogs, Chopper and Wilson, starting to work. Plans are to further conserve this bloodline in the future. The Working Kelpie gene pool is quite limited and these dogs are perfect additions to the Karrawarra and Riana lines I have been working with. Thanks again to Matt Larkings for being so generous and lending them to me.